Monday, May 25, 2009

Spring is Springing!!

Well Spring is finally here and we can hardly keep the kids in the house.  It's great because naps are involved later in the day when they are playing outside in the mornings!!  YAY!!  

Jim has been very busy with work/school/OCS.  He is doing really well in school.  Had a statistics class that he really hated, to put it mildly.  We get about 1 weekend a month that he doesn't have some sort of drill for the Army or OCS, so we relish them.  Jim also has Lasik surgery on his eyes a few weeks ago.  He's loving not having to wear glasses anymore.  Alli still asks him where they are though.  She's very concerned that he's not wearing them. 

Alli is getting really tall and really vocal.  She is starting to make more sense now when she talks to us.  It's been nice being able to understand what she is saying.  We got her all signed up for preschool.  She will be starting in September.  She is so excited, as am I.  I'm sure I will be a big basket case the first day but I'll get over it I guess.  I just can't believe I have a child that is old enough for preschool.  We have been trying to throw out different words for her everyday, to get her to say them and learn what they mean.  It's pretty funny sometimes what comes out of her mouth.  For example, she says a line from Dora the Explorer that goes something like this.. "Foggy Fog, Foggy Fog"  just think about it for a minute and take a guess at what it sounds like when she is saying it.  It doesn't sound good.  But a at least she is trying.

Jimmy is getting big.  He is very smart as well.  He watches is sister like a hawk and copies everything she does.  If we ask him to pick up the toys and put them away he knows exactly what to do.  He picks up a toy and trots over to the toy box and puts it away.  If he finds a cheerio on the floor he will pick it up and either eat it or take it to the garbage can and throw it away.  He's still my little sleeper, which is such a blessing.   Sleeping through the night is still a work in progress though.  He can't seem to make it all the way through without a swig of milk.  I don't really mind because it only takes 10 minutes and he cuddles.  I love that.  

I am doing well.  Trying to lose some weight for my sisters wedding in August.  Haven't really been doing that great of job on the exercise front though.  For some reason, I just can get motivated when it comes to exercise.  My eating habits have gotten  better though and that has made a big difference.  More fresh veggies and fruit and smaller portions.  We've planted a garden this year so hopefully we will get some veggies out of it.