Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm so bad at keeping this updated.... sorry. I will start with Jim...

Like normal, he is super busy with school, work and OCS. He was able to take the last 5 weeks off of school (not really wanting to but it was necessary) so he got a little bit of a break. He just got home from phase 1 of OCS, he was in South Dakota for 2 weeks. He did great, but he always does. He got in the house at 1 am and we had to wake up and be on the road at 6:30 am for a combatives competition he was in. He placed 2nd in his division which is awesome but he could have done so much better if he wasn't so tired. He injured his ankle in his last match so he's limping around the house, kids aren't too happy that he's not playing with them.

Allison: Alli is getting tall and her speech is so much better. New phrases everyday, it's really cute. She will be starting pre school in September and she is so excited to see all the boys and girls!! It is going to be so great for her to interact with kids her age and learn new things. She will be going Tuesday's and Thursday's. I'm pretty excited for the little break it's going to give me. Jimmy and I can hang out and clean the house or something.

Jimmy: He's growing like a weed. He just had his 18 month well child checkup and he's great. He is 33" tall and weighs about 25lbs. He's very smart too, he is saying things and I am actually understanding him! :-) To make things even better, he's been interested in the training potty and he's actually peed in it 3 times in the last week!! YAY!!!

Me: I'm the same. I've started to get into using a sewing machine. I've made a curtain for Jimmy's room and a valance for the kitchen and the sewing machine isn't broken yet!! It's a miracle!!