Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hurry Up Spring!

We are so ready for springtime at our house.  I want to be able to take the kids outside to play and not freeze out bums off.  I've been able to take them on bike rides to that has been nice.  I'm pretty sure that Jimmy is quite uncomfortable in the bike cart though, he looks as though he's being strangled.  I need to have Jim show me the correct way to strap them in.

Jim is officially a Cadet now for OCS (Officer Candidate School).  Our life as we know it has just gotten busier, if thats possible.  I guess I should say Jim's life as he knows it has gotten busier.  I just like to complain about not having any time with him.  It's an adjustment for all of us and I'm slowly learning to "take things in stride".  

I would love to have a hobby.  I just have no crafting skills.  I want desperately to be able to craft but once I get the supplies in front of me I just sit there and stare at them....waiting for them to tell me what to do.  I got nothing.  I friend of mine says I can bake and make great hooch, but if I bake everyday I will be 500 lbs and drunk from the hooch.  Not good.

Alli is great.  Being 3 years old is hard work and she is so stubborn and sassy sometimes I just want to scream.  But I guess she comes by that honestly.  She's got stubborn and sass coming at her from both sides of the family.  Naps are non existent which sucks for me and for her in the long run.  By dinnertime she is so tired that she just gets mean.  Oh the fun.

Jimmy is Jimmy.  He's still a very happy boy.  He's not napping as much as he was but that's ok, at least he's not sassing me....yet.  He tried to escape the other day.  He was very quiet in going out the doggy door into the garage and then out the other door to go running in the gravely mud.  He was still in his pajamas.  I had to chase after him barefoot and he was laughing and running from me the whole time.  He was very please with himself.  I have crazy kids!!

I'm doing fine.  Like I said before just trying to adjust to Jim's new busy schedule and not lose my mind.   I want to get the garden tilled up so we can get things ready to plant.  I'm excited to be able to grow my own veggies and flowers and whatnot.  I think it will be fun for Alli to have her own little raised bed with her own flowers and veggies to take care of.

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