Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We had some excitement early this morning.  By early I mean 4:30AM!!  I had just gone back to bed after checking on the kids and I heard Betsy, our dog, go flying out of the house.  I didn't think anything of it because she does that, you never know when there is going to be a fierce kitten out in the yard.  Anyway, about 10 minutes later I start to smell something, I think maybe Jim farted or our neighbor is "relaxing" out in his shed.  But that wasn't it, the smell was NOT going away.  So I made Jim get up and investigate.  Poor Betsy got sprayed by a skunk and was hiding in her kennel and so the whole garage and house smelled rancid.  

Betsy spent about 5 hours at the groomers today to get the smell out of her.  We threw he bed that was in her kennel in the trash and we aired out the house and lit tons of candles and used all of our airwick air fresheners.  I have been doing laundry all flipping day, I'm so tired of hearing the washer and dryer.

Alli had her 3 year well child check up last week.  She's a 3 year old .  She weighs 33 lbs and is 38 1/2 inches tall.  80% in weight and 85% in height.  She's a tall skinny girl.

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