Tuesday, December 29, 2009

End of 2009.

Well for the most part nothing has really changed. But some things have.

Jim: Still in school and doing very well. He's starting to get a little burnt out though, VERy ready for it to be over with. OCS is still going on too, almost done. He is in the final stretch now. He seems to be busier then ever these days.

Allison: Alli is loving pre school. She is on winter break right now and bored out of her mind. We took her to a speech therapy screening earlier in the month, she has another evaluation in January to see if she qualifies for the free services provided by ESD. I don't think that she will so we just need to continue working with her. She is getting better everyday at putting words together and them making sense. Alli will be 4 years old in February!! I can't believe I will be the mother of a 4 year old....She won't stop growing!! She is getting so tall and very skinny. I wish she would eat more but I'm told that 3 year olds are picky eaters... that's the understatement of the year in this house.

Jimmy: He's our happy go lucky boy. Jimmy just goes with the flow most of the time. He does like his routines. He needs his morning nap otherwise it gets messy and he's in bed by 6PM for the night, good for us at night but not so good when he gets up super early the next day. He's growing like a weed too!! He will be turning 2 on the 10th of January. He's still my baby though, he's a mama's boy but certainly not a sissy. :-) He's pretty tough. He'll whack his head on something and then fuss for a second, come over to get a cuddle from mommy and then he's good to go!!

Me: I started taking a beginners adult ballet class here in Forest Grove and I really enjoy it. We are continuing the class after the first of the year and I'm so excited!! I want to continue with my sewing on the sewing machine but I've broken it somehow, I now... shocking. I need to just take it in to the van 'n' sew here in town and have it fixed.

We've been having a heck of a time with our woodstove (chimney) this year. Ever since we had it lined it just blows smoke into the house everytime we open the door, and yes we do open the damper. :-) Just this morning we had smoke filling the house almost down to the floor, smoke was coming out of cracks in the hearth and everything. FRUSTRATING. Even more frustrating is the fact that the guy who put the liner in won't return our calls, he did however call Jim back today which is rare since he's scared of Jim and usually calls me. Anyway, I'm still waiting for him to call me and get out here today to fix the problem. He will be paying for our house to be professionally cleaned and giving us our money back. Jim told me today that he's been in house fires and that is what our house smells like right now.. AWESOME!! End of December and all out windows and doors are open. Makes perfect sense to me.

Anyway, I hope that everyone had a fantastic 2009 and had an even better 2010!!

Happy New Year!

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