Sunday, March 14, 2010

Oh my gosh!! I totally suck at keeping this thing updated.

As usual, the Ellifritt household is busy.... and by Ellifritt household I mean Jim. He's in the final stretch of OCS, he will be officially done with that in August and August couldn't come fast enough. He's still in school too and doing so well. I am so very very proud of him. Thankfully he will be finished with school in October. Whew..... we will finally have daddy back!!!

Allison is almost done with her first year of preschool. She will be done in May and that is coming very quickly. She still really loves it and likes to be with her friends and teachers. Alli is also been learning how to write her name and she is doing great! She still gets a little frustrated at times but we just stop and re focus.

Jimmy is still a happy active boy. He will be going in this coming Wednesday (3/17) for his first and hopefully only hospital stay. He will be having his tonsils and adenoids removed and since he is only 2 years old he has to stay the night. So mommy and Jimmy will be staying up at Doernbecher's Children's Hospital for the night. Hopefully with having those removed he will get more oxygen and be able to keep up with his sister when they play.

I lost my grandmother 2 weeks ago and it's been hard. I didn't think I'd have such a hard time with it. But, I'm trudging on because that is what I have to do for my family. I don't have the time to sit and feel sorry for myself. I just have to know that she is in a better place and not in anymore pain. I just hope she knew how much I loved her.

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