Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The life I lead...

Well, it's apparently been a year since I've updated this thing. So much for that. I guess that is what Facebook is for!

A lot has happened since we last talked. Jim finished OCS in August! We are all so very proud of him. He left for Oklahoma in November for his Basic Officer Leadership Course.... I think that is what it's called. We'll just call in BOLC. It's been rough, if I'm being honest. The first week or two wasn't so bad at home, then all of a sudden Jimmy was having bad nights and not wanting to stay in bed and screaming for hours before he fell asleep. Jim came home for Christmas and Jimmy was still acting up. But, it was really good to have daddy home for those 2 weeks. We had a really nice Christmas with family and friends. Jim went back to Oklahoma on Jan. 2nd and has been there ever since.

I was lucky enough to spend the long President's Day weekend out visiting him. That was a nice little break from the kids and nice time just being with Jim and not having anything to do.

Jim will be graduating on April 12th and home for good by the 15th!! We couldn't be more excited!

Alli has been doing so great! She is now 5 years old!!! She is loving her 2nd year of preschool. She has come a very long way since last year. She continues to grow and become more beautiful everyday. On February 28th she was trying to "fly" off the brick hearth and didn't quite make it. She landed on her right arm. She was in pain, but she could move it so I didn't worry too much about it. Then later in the afternoon she was really complaining about her wrist hurting. So I decided to take her into urgent care just to be on the safe side. X-rays were done and there was no obvious break, PHEW! But they did send her home with a splint. Just a couple of days ago she was saying that her arm really hurt. So I took her back to the doctor and they did another x-ray. Turns out she has a very, very small fracture. HA!!! No cast, just a better brace. Kindergarten round-up in on May 3rd. I just can't believe it!

Jimmy is 3! That's pretty much all I need to say right?!!!! :-) He's such a cute boy and gets away with waaaay too much! Daddy needs to come home fast!!! Jimmy is very smart and is talking like crazy. He will be starting preschool in the fall. GOOD LUCK Teacher Lynda and Teacher Chris!!! ;-) He really needs to go and have the social interaction with the other kids.

I'm doing well. I joined a local gym here in town last spring. What a great stress release that is. I've been doing a daily bootcamp since November and it has been great! I can totally tell it's working. I know it doesn't sound like I do much, but I do. It's just not that interesting and no one really wants to read about it!!!

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