Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well the month of March was busy. Jimmy had his tonsils and adenoids removed on St. Patrick's day. Everything went smoothly. Spending the night at the hospital was interesting. Jimmy didn't want to sleep in the jail-like crib they have there so either Daddy or Mommy had to hold him. Not an easy task when he has an IV in his hand and Oxygen sensor thing taped to his thumb, but we managed. Jim had to leave at 4AM from the hospital to go to the airport and hop on a plane to Kentucky for an Army conference, so mommy had to deal with Jimmy at home by herself. Thankfully the wonderful grandparent's were available to keep Alli with them. Alli took turns with my mom (Nana-Mama) and Jim's parent's (Nana & Papa). Alli was away from home for 4 nights!!! I missed her but it was nice because all Jimmy wanted to do was sit on my lap.

Jim turned 30 on March 26th!!! We had his parent's over for dinner on his birthday and had a nice visit. Then on the 27th he and another guy who's birthday is the 29th, had a party at the McMenamins Grand Lodge here in Forest Grove. It was really fun, we got to see a bunch of friends that we don't get to see very often. Good times were had.

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