Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good times

Ahh fall is here.  We just had some really nice wind and rain hit us the past couple of days, it wasn't too bad but of course the news is like, "whoa, the first floods of the season!!" Ahh, everyone freak out!!

I like the rain but I hate it at the same time.  Poor Alli gets cabin fever so bad and that isn't a good thing.  When she gets this way she gets into everything and does everything imaginable to get into trouble.  We were going to take them swimming last night but Jimmy goes to bed at 7PM and public swim doesn't start until 7:45, we never would have made it.  

I've had a cold for the past couple of days, nothing too incredibly bad but enough to have Jim stay home an extra day so I could get some sleep.  I've missed 2 of my water aerobics classes and I feel gross, I can't wait to go tonight.  

Jimmy is back to falling asleep on his own.  He did that when he was younger and then he went through the phase of wanted to be held and now it's back to just put me down.  It's great but sad in a way.  Knowing that this is our last child and not having the opportunity to rock one of our babies to sleep again.  :-(

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