Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Well Alli and I carved our pumpkins yesterday.  I know, we were a little late.  We didn't actually carve them as much as cut them in half and take all the seeds out.   Alli wasn't too into it this year, not like last year but I guess I really didn't give her much of a chance.  You see, Jimmy was taking a nap and I wanted to get this done while he slept so it was done at warp speed.

Jimmy finally cut his top two teeth, FINALLY.  There was so much drool for so long.  We had a couple of drool free days only to have him start up again.  He's chewing on his hands, if he could get them to fit in his mouth he would do it, ugh and the drool.....  I guess it's ok.  I don't want to get too used to a drool free face and then have it come back.  Let's get all these teeth in!!  I have conveniently forgotten Alli and all her teething  glory.  But from what I hear she was just as bad.  I guess there is some satisfaction in knowing that in just another year Jimmy should be done with all the drool.

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching.  I'm excited because I don't have to cook, I don't even have to host this year.  Last year I hosted,  I was 7 months pregnant and my kitchen wasn't big enough for all the cooks, needless to say I was glad when it was over.  This year, I can eat all the food and desert I want, YIPPEE!!  I don't have to take my blood sugar levels and I can drink some homemade holiday cheer.  

I want Christmas to be here.  I'm trying my hardest to rush it along.  We went to Costco last night and they have all their Christmas decor out, have had it out since October but who's really complaining.  Anyway my point.  Alli loves all of it and I was almost in tears as she was so excited about it all!  I don't know if Jim knows why I was rushing through that section, I just didn't want to be that mom crying because she's so happy seeing the joy in her child's face.  We have a holiday light parade here in Forest Grove.  We have gone the past two years since they have only done it for two years.  Last year it almost killed me, I was emotional because I was pregnant and like the year before, just seeing the joy in Alli's face undoes me.  Now I have 2 kids to cry over, I told Jim to take them without me.  He said no.  Wish me luck.


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