Thursday, November 6, 2008


So I'm sitting in my living room listening to the rain on the roof and my son playing with his toys.  Oh to be young again and not have any worries or fears.  I never thought I would be one of those moms that worries.  I don't trust anybody.  Well by anybody I mean...I don't know what I mean.  I'll take my kids to the park and I see other parents just sitting on the benches while their kids run around, I can't do that.  I have to be right there with them because I always think the worst is going to happen.  Jim on the other hand can just sit back and let Alli run like the wind.  What the hell is my problem?  I don't want Alli or Jimmy to grow up paranoid of everything and everybody.  I wasn't like that as a kid.  Things changed drastically for me when I had kids.  It's hard for me to think about finding a babysitter that isn't a grandparent or some other close relative, it freaks me out.  You hear all these stories about kids going to daycare and getting molested or hurt or something, even the lisenced daycares, the ones that are suppose to be approved and up to code.  Well maybe the facility is up to code but are the workers?  

Anyway, enough about that.  In some sad beloved slippers broke yesterday.  They are literally  hanging on by a thread.

1 comment:

Martta said...

I feel you Rachel on this one! I am the same way! I always think that someone is goingt o take my girls when I am not right there with them. I think it is because we hear it all the time that kids go missing and never return. So sad I just pray that it never happens to any of our friends or there friends! We are just good mommies who love our kids we want nothing bad to happen to them! It's okay in my book!
I have a blog to check it out by clicking on my name! Miss ya girl! Have a great weekend!