Sunday, February 8, 2009

A quick update.

I know, it's been a terribly long time since I've posted anything new on here.  Like I've said before, I'm not good at these things.  

Christmas has come and gone.  It was an interesting one to say the least.  We all wish and pray for a white Christmas around here and this year we finally got what we've wished for.  It was beautiful and magical for the first day or two but then when you start to feel trapped in your own home it loses something.  We were suppose to host Christmas Eve at our house this year but due to the weather we had to reschedule.  I wasn't happy.  This is the first Christmas Eve in my memory that I haven't spent with my mother and I was depressed.  But, at least we were all healthy and safe.  

Jimmy turned 1 on January 10th of this year and I turned 30 again.  Alli will be 3 on the 9th of Feb.  Jim has been really busy with work and school.  With OCS starting here in the next month things are just going to get even busier.  

We all got hit with a nasty cold over my birthday weekend.  Poor little Jimmy got the worst of it.  He ended up with a double ear infection and we found out that he's allergic to penicillin the hard way.  Since the antibiotic wasn't working he developed the double ear infection, it was only in one ear when we started the medicine.  Neat!!!  

Alli's speech has improved over the last month.  For the longest time we wanted her to talk, now we just want her to have an inside voice.  We are still working on that one.

The 2 pictures of Jimmy were of when he was sick, he wasn't crying, his eyes just watered all the time.  

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